Salineb 7% Sterile Hypertonic Saline Solution 7% Sodium Chloride NaCl Vials for Inhalation 60 x 4ml Single-Dose Vials
- Increases the mobilisation of secretions in the lower respiratory tract by osmotic effects.
- Prevent drying of bronchial mucous.
- Single use only.
- Strictly reserved to inhalation.
- Not for injection.
- Check that the unit-dose vial has not been damaged prior to use.
- Do not use a damaged unit-dose vial.
- Follow the nebulizer manufacturers instructions for use.
- If a tendency to develop dyspnea or hypersensitivity is present, the inhalation solution must not be used without medical supervision.
- Do not mix with other medications.
- Keep out of the reach of children.
- Do not use after the expiry date.
Safety Warning
- Keep Out Of The Reach Children.
- Do Not Use After The Expiry Date